The Opening of Pandora’s Box & The Revelation of Humanity’s Hidden Darkness
“Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth.”
- The Buddha
A great revealing is coming to humanity.
We are on the cusp of the opening of a Pandora’s Box and the revelation of deep corruption, lies, and secrets.
In this time of unveiling, be prepared to aid those whose known world is crumbling around them.
In the mythological story, Pandora opens the box in her curiosity and lets the evil that has been locked inside loose in the world.
However, in our Great Story, the evil has already been in our world but has been locked with the box of our ignorance and limited perception.
We have been experiencing the results of this corruption in our world, but haven’t realized it because it has been so normalized.
The opening of the box is the opening of our consciousness to the awareness of the darkness, corruption, and evil that has been in our world all along.
Once the lid comes off of this box, it cannot be put back on. Once humanity begins to learn the truth. There’s no going back.
Once the genie is out of the bottle, it cannot be put back in.
It all must come out.
We will have then truly “opened a can of worms.”
Just like when you turn over a stone and find all sorts of slimy bugs and worms crawling underneath. So in our civilization, are there worms hiding beneath rocks that are being turned over.
The dark truth has been pushed under the rug, pushed into secret, into our unconsciousness. But it could not be hidden forever. And now, more and more humans are awakening, creating a critical mass of awareness, light, and truth that is working to expose all that is of illusion and darkness.
It is all being exposed because humanity’s consciousness is rising; the light is being shone into every dark corner of ourselves and our society.
The weight of the insane dysfunctional old system is collapsing upon itself.
We have to bring this to the surface of the collective of humanity
We have to see it, experience it, and process it
We have to detain those responsible so that they are no longer in positions of power and influence.
We have to learn how this happened and why this happened so that it can never happen again.
We have to understand what has been happening on the Earth and the truth of humanity.
Because for hundreds and thousands of years, humanity has been in de-facto slavery. A slavery that we have willingly participated in because 99% of humanity has been ignorant of the truth and therefore gave their energy, power, and freedom away.
The revelation of great corruption will bring humanity to our knees. But it is the healing crisis, the cleansing purge needed in our journey from the Old World to the New Earth.
It has been said that:
“The truth shall set you free, but first it will make you angry.”
Humanity is on the verge of being faced with some very troubling and sobering truths about our civilization. Truths that cause us to question everything we thought we knew about ourselves and our world.
We are in humanity’s collective Dark Night of the Soul.
Do not despair; this is the necessary fever and dis-ease which allows our collective planetary consciousness and body to purge itself of all toxins and negative energy.
A beautiful New Earth awaits on the other side of this transformation.
Hold the light dear brothers and sisters
Hold the light.
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May the blessings and fruits of this Work be with You, the Earth, and all beings throughout all dimensions of existence.